Célébrer la vie! ❤️

Love , laugh , enjoy .., 
Live life .., and enjoy every moment ..,
For you don’t know .., if there exists a tomorrow,
You don’t even know .., what path you are gonna follow !
Find the courage ,
To wear your scars with pride ,
To accept yourself , the way you are ..,
Find tolerance and be selfless ,
Make your flaw., your forte ,
And love yourself unconditionally!

Don’t plan the future .., you can’t foresee what lies ahead ..,
Run .., run so fast that the fear of death and darkness never pace up ..,
Breathe .., breathe the whole world .., find your happiness ,
Don’t be bothered about failure ,
It’s just another hurdle that you ought to accept and learn ,
And again fly high ,
Cuz you have to be the person hidden inside you!

Dwell on dreams .., work hard ,
But it does not do to forget to live ,
No mountain can ever be conquered ,
Without cheer and laughter ,
Happiness can not be tasted without hard work and slogging ,
It’s the cowards who believe in destiny ,
life cannot be met , without confidence and conviction !

Release your life , don’t let it be wrapped up tight ,
Move along , and stop where the winds take you ,
Fly free , fly high , and never look back to moan on the gone !

Accept every colour of the world ,
You are the bird that has to spread its wings .,
you have to seize your victories where they lie ,
You are the candle , which has to burn without a flicker ,
And never let the hope of happiness die ,
You have the power , that is not afraid of obstacles that block your way ,
This is the gift of life ,
That walks in the way you guide ,
Make the best of it ,
Because the moment left .., will never come back ,
And this moment is yours , to hold and enjoy !


Hey , this is Kripaa ., the author of the blog , Dream diaries! This is a poetry blog , and all my poems , are inspired by nature , and the human behaviour under different circumstances! Hope you enjoy reading

46 thoughts on “Célébrer la vie! ❤️

  1. Wow!!! This was so motivating aaaaaaaaaaah!!!
    I loved this line “again fly high ,
    Cuz you have to be the person hidden inside you!”
    Wow what a poem dude 😍. I wish I could express such thoughts through poetry too but I’ve never really been able to write such stuff I don’t know why 😂. If you’ve read some of my stories, they are either weird or horror 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Uhhh …, 🙂
        Cool then

        Bt that truly was a compliment

        Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs , request Nehal , to keep her abnormally large mouth , shut for a while 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. (Although late) but happy poetry day to you also dear~
        It’s okay, i know you have more important stuff to deal with~ just take care of yourself!

        Liked by 1 person

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